Oral Surgery for Healthy and Strong Teeth

From surgical wisdom teeth extractions to reconstructive cosmetic oral surgery, we are here to help you with all your dental needs.
Oral Surgery for Healthy and Strong Teeth
Oral Surgery

Why Oral Surgery?

Oral surgery is a type of dentistry that diagnoses and treats oral conditions of the teeth, gums, jaw, and mouth through surgery. Oral surgeons have a DMD, DDS, or even an MD. Regardless of their degree, oral surgeons must complete a surgical residency to perfect their skills. Oral surgery may be necessary because of:

  • A need to extract teeth that are causing problems in the mouth 
  • Jaw problems 
  • Tumors or other cancerous areas 
  • Sleep apnea issues 
  • Cosmetic issues 
  • Extractions for orthodontic treatment 
  • Extractions due to periodontal disease
Examples of oral surgery include wisdom teeth removal, infected tooth removal, or impacted tooth removal.  Oral surgery can prevent more serious issues from arising in the long run, especially for significant medical or dental problems like oral cancer or a major dental reconstruction. 

What to Expect


Oral surgery is a common practice and is typically performed in-house on an outpatient basis. You may need oral surgery for common procedures such as wisdom tooth extractions, dental implants, impacted or multiple teeth removal, or reconstructive dental needs.


During your appointment, x-rays are taken for a diagnosis, and a treatment plan is discussed. During this time, your dentist or oral surgeon will answer any questions you may have and outline a treatment plan that includes addressing the best anesthesia options for your specific circumstance. If it is determined that you need oral surgery, a surgery date is then set. 


Many procedures are performed with sedation, and patients can resume normal activities in just a few days. It's important to get plenty of rest in the days after your surgery. Your dentist will give you specific post-operative directions that are dependent on your oral surgery. 

Your First Visit

The first visit for an oral surgery is usually a consultation with your dentist or oral surgeon. During this visit, the dental professional will review your oral health to make sure there are no other major problems that could interfere with your surgery. Any x-rays or impressions will also be taken during this appointment. The main purpose of this visit is to prep you as best as possible for your procedure. 
Modern Dentistry

Modern Dentistry

All the latest technology can be found at our office.
Judgment-Free Office

Judgment-Free Office

We’re here to help you feel confident in your smile. We provide a safe, judge-free zone for any dental issue or concern you have.
On Your Schedule

On Your Schedule

Taking care of your dental health should fit within your schedule. We are open late and on weekends so you can get the care you need.

and Financing

Are you worried about the cost of an oral surgery? Don't panic. We offer over 200 dental insurance plans and flexible payment plans for your convenience.

No Insurance?
No Problem.

Making An Appointment Is Easy

Don't have insurance? That's not a problem with us. We offer payment plans and accept most major credit cards, personal checks, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should you eat after oral surgery?
For the first 2 days after oral surgery, you should only drink liquids and eat soft foods.

Hot liquids and foods should be avoided. On the third day, you should eat foods that are easy to chew. You should be able to return to a normal diet after 5 to 7 days.
How long does swelling last after oral surgery?
Some swelling is normal after oral surgery and can increase over the following 2 to 3 days. After that time, the swelling should decrease. A cold compress should be used to help with the swelling.
How long does oral surgery take?
There are several factors that determine how long oral surgery may take, including; the type of surgery, the complexity of the procedure, and the type of anesthesia.

Generally, a simple surgery may take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. More complex procedures may last from one to several hours.

Your dentist will be able to provide you with more details on the time of your oral surgery. Reach out to your local Gentle Dental for a free consultation.