Knocked-Out a Tooth? Take These Steps Right Away

Whether it happens during sports, an accident, or other circumstances, a knocked-out tooth constitutes an urgent and serious dental emergency. However, there is no need to panic. If you act quickly and visit your dentist within an hour or so, you will increase the chances that the tooth can be saved. This blog post provides practical guidance on what you should do immediately after a tooth gets knocked out.
Pick Up the Tooth
Find the tooth as quickly as possible. It might be tricky to locate if it fell into grass or traveled far when it got hit, so you may need help to search for it. While you are looking for it, call your dentist and let them know what happened. Once you find it, carefully pick it up. Be sure to touch it only by its crown (the part you normally see above the gumline). The roots of teeth are quite sensitive and vulnerable to damage, so it is best to avoid touching them if possible.
Rinse off Debris
Still holding the tooth only by its crown, use water to rinse off any debris that is clinging to it. Do not use any chemicals or cleaning agents — regular tap water or bottled water is all you need. Also, keep in mind that you should not scrub the tooth or rub it with any sort of cloth, tissue, or paper towel. Handling it as gently as possible is vital.
Replace the Tooth in Its Socket
Try to reposition the tooth in its socket. Holding it by the crown, maneuver it into place. Then, push it into its socket either with your fingers or by gently biting down on it. Keep your mouth closed on top of it to keep it from shifting out of place.
Keep the Tooth Moist
In some cases, it might not be possible to place a tooth back in its socket. If that is true for you, find another way to keep the tooth moist. You might try tucking it between your cheek and gums. If that is not possible, store it in a glass of milk or use a tooth preservation kit from a local pharmacy. Keep in mind that you should not store it in plain water because the root cell surfaces of the tooth might become damaged. Of course, you should also avoid using any acidic liquids to keep it moist.
Head to Your Emergency Dentist
When you arrive at your emergency dentist’s office, they will examine the tooth and your mouth. If possible, they will splint the tooth back into its socket. As your body heals, it should reintegrate the tooth. However, if the tooth or your mouth is badly damaged, replantation might not be an option. In such cases, your dentist will tend to the wounds in your mouth and talk to you about your future tooth replacement options.
A knocked-out tooth can be a scary situation, but if you stay calm and act quickly, you may be able to spare your smile from a brand-new gap.
Meet the Practice
Family Dental Practice of Newington has a large team of dentists and specialists ready to serve our community. We welcome emergency patients, and our evening and weekend hours mean we are usually available to address urgent situations, such as knocked-out teeth. To learn more about us and how we may be able to serve you, contact us at 860-856-6201.