SPEC : [{id=88552477441, createdAt=1666099715154, updatedAt=1718599022094, path='braces', name='Braces & Orthodontics in Newington, CT | Family Dental Practice', 2='{type=string, value=Braces}', 3='{type=list, value=[{id=88540632160, name='FDPN'}]}', 5='{type=string, value=Our orthodontic specialist provide braces in Newington, CT as the perfect solution to help straighten teeth for children, teens, and adults. Learn more here!}', 6='{type=string, value=Orthodontist in CT for Braces: Options for all Ages}', 7='{type=string, value=At the Family Dental Practice of Newington, we will help you figure out which type of braces work best with your orthodontic needs.}', 8='{type=string, value=

Straight teeth not only help improve self-esteem and confidence but also provide many oral health benefits. Teeth that are crowded or improperly spaced can increase the risk of gum disease and tooth loss. It can also be harder to maintain proper oral hygiene.  

Crowded or crooked teeth can wear unevenly faster than usual, causing a significant risk to the tooth structure. Properly aligned teeth create a better bite and reduce stress and strain that can cause headaches, jaw pain, and the need for additional dental care. 

}', 9='{type=string, value=Our orthodontists in CT use the latest technology to give you the best and straightest smile possible with braces.}', 10='{type=string, value=A consultation with an orthodontist will determine if you’re a candidate for braces or orthodontic treatment. Some patients may be required to complete other dental treatments prior to getting braces. Your orthodontist can recommend the type of braces that will help you achieve the best results.}', 11='{type=string, value=

The treatment length for parents can vary based on the complexity of your orthodontic case, your overall health, and your willingness to maintain regular appointments and good at-home techniques. Getting braces involves:

}', 12='{type=string, value=

The debanding process includes working with your orthodontist to learn how to care for your new smile. Following your aftercare routine is extremely important because it is what will keep your smile bright and straight. Be sure to see your dentist regularly for continued care

}', 13='{type=string, value=Your first visit will evaluate your overall dental health and a consultation with your orthodontist for braces. We use leading iTero technology to create a 3D digital scan of your mouth so you can see what your smile will look like with Invisalign or other orthodontic treatments. After this visit, you will be on your way to getting braces!}', 14='{type=string, value=Modern Dentistry}', 15='{type=string, value=You can find all the latest technology at our CT office.}', 16='{type=string, value=Judgment-Free Office }', 17='{type=string, value=We’re here to help you feel confident in your smile. We provide a safe, judge-free zone for any dental issue or concern you have. }', 18='{type=string, value=On Your Schedule}', 19='{type=string, value=Taking care of your dental health should fit within your schedule. We are open late and on weekends so you can get the care you need.}', 20='{type=image, value=Image{width=45,height=45,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/icons/clinic.png',altText='',fileId=null}}', 21='{type=image, value=Image{width=48,height=48,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/icons/clock.png',altText='',fileId=null}}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=41,height=45,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/icons/tooth.png',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=string, value=Are you worried about the cost of a sleep dentistry visit? Don’t panic. We work with your insurance plan and offer flexible payment plans for your convenience. }', 24='{type=string, value=Don't have insurance? That's not a problem with us. We offer payment plans and accept most major credit cards, personal checks, and more.}', 25='{type=string, value=Visit us at our Newington, CT office today! See below for important information.}', 26='{type=string, value=What types of braces are there?}', 27='{type=string, value=

There are several types of braces: Traditional metal braces, clear braces/aligners, ceramic braces, lingual braces, and Invisalign.

}', 28='{type=string, value=At what age do kids get braces?}', 29='{type=string, value=As per the American Association of Orthodontists guidelines, the Family Dental Practice of Newington recommends that children have their first orthodontic evaluation by the age of 7. With early evaluation and diagnosis, children can achieve optimal orthodontic results to avoid surgery or other complications in the future.}', 30='{type=string, value=How long will I have to wear braces?}', 31='{type=string, value=Typically, orthodontic treatment is no different for adults than it would be for children. However, because adult teeth have stopped growing, and are in their permanent position, it may take a bit longer for treatment than with a child. Depending on your specific case, you can expect to wear your braces or Invisalign aligners for any time from 6 months to 18 months or more.}', 38='{type=image, value=Image{width=1000,height=720,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/stock/clipped/adoloescent-with-braces.png',altText='',fileId=null}}', 41='{type=list, value=[{id=81751372382, name='42'}]}', 42='{type=string, value=Braces are wire-based appliances that orthodontists use to correct crowded and misaligned teeth or jaws.}', 43='{type=image, value=Image{width=1200,height=800,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/stock/wide/smiling-young-woman-with-braces.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 44='{type=image, value=Image{width=575,height=575,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/stock/square/smiling-teen-with-braces-1.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 45='{type=option, value={id=2, name='Specialty', order=1, label='Specialty'}}'}, {id=88549786786, createdAt=1666099717169, updatedAt=1684382472175, path='extractions', name='Dental Extractions in Newington, CT | Family Dental Practice', 2='{type=string, value=Extractions }', 3='{type=list, value=[{id=88540632160, name='FDPN'}]}', 5='{type=string, value=Our dentists provide safe, easy, and affordable tooth extractions in Newington, CT for those with damaged or decayed teeth. Click here to learn more!}', 6='{type=string, value=Comfortable Tooth Extractions in Connecticut for Strong Oral Health}', 7='{type=string, value=Our dentists and specialists proudly offer dental extractions when a tooth is beyond restoration.}', 8='{type=string, value=

When a tooth is damaged beyond repair, a dental extraction may be the best step to prevent further oral health issues. There are six main reasons a person may need a tooth extracted:

A dental extraction procedure can save your teeth from decaying and causing additional problems. 

}', 9='{type=string, value=Our dentists and oral surgeons in Newington will do everything possible to help you retain your existing teeth and keep them healthy. However, there are times when a tooth is beyond restoration and needs to be extracted.}', 10='{type=string, value=

Having a tooth extracted can happen for a number of reasons and is a common procedure that many children and adults experience. Be sure to tell your dentist if you have any other conditions that could interfere with the procedure or put you at risk for infection, such as heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, or a history of bacterial endocarditis. 

}', 11='{type=string, value=

When a tooth needs to be extracted, your dentist will likely use a local anesthetic and may also use  sedation to make you feel comfortable during your oral surgery visit. Extractions are performed in our Newington, CT dental office, so you won't have to worry about going to an outpatient oral surgery center. We have a great team of dentists and oral surgeons that will work to take care of you during your tooth removal.

}', 12='{type=string, value=Once the tooth is removed, you will want to take preventative steps to promote healing. Your dental team will provide you with post-tooth extraction care instructions for your comfort and healing to reduce the possibility of complications. Minor pain and discomfort may last for up to a week after a dental extraction.}', 13='{type=string, value=

During your first visit, your dentist will evaluate your overall dental health and any teeth that are causing you discomfort, while also determining if any teeth are in need of extraction. Depending on the severity of the problem, you may require more than one visit. During your visits, be sure to ask any questions or let your dentist know about any concerns or additional issues you are experiencing.

}', 14='{type=string, value=Modern Dentistry}', 15='{type=string, value=You can find all the latest technology at our CT office.}', 16='{type=string, value=Judgment-Free Office }', 17='{type=string, value=We’re here to help you feel confident in your smile. We provide a safe, judge-free zone for any dental issue or concern you have. }', 18='{type=string, value=On Your Schedule}', 19='{type=string, value=Taking care of your dental health should fit within your schedule. We are open late and on weekends so you can get the care you need.}', 20='{type=image, value=Image{width=45,height=45,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/icons/clinic.png',altText='',fileId=null}}', 21='{type=image, value=Image{width=48,height=48,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/icons/clock.png',altText='',fileId=null}}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=41,height=45,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/icons/tooth.png',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=string, value=Are you worried about the cost of a sleep dentistry visit? Don’t panic. We work with your insurance plan and offer flexible payment plans for your convenience. }', 24='{type=string, value=Don't have insurance? That's not a problem with us. We offer payment plans and accept most major credit cards, personal checks, and more.}', 25='{type=string, value=Visit us at our Newington, CT office today! See below for important information.}', 26='{type=string, value=How long do you have to wait for dental implants after an extraction?}', 27='{type=string, value=Dental implants may be placed immediately following your tooth extraction, depending on your specific type of extraction. Immediate placement will occur after surgery if there is sufficient bone present around the extraction site. If the bone around the extraction needs to heal, placing the implant may wait 3 - 6 months while healing.}', 28='{type=string, value=What to eat after getting a tooth extraction?}', 29='{type=string, value=

Soft, malleable food is recommended. Liquid and soft foods such as apple sauce, yogurt, smoothies, soups, and mashed potatoes are the easiest to consume. Some cold foods, such as Jell-O, pudding, and ice cream, can temporarily soothe the pain and discomfort you may experience.

Be sure to avoid any consumption that involves sucking, such as drinking through a straw or smoking. This can cause stitches to be removed and open dry sockets in your gums.

}', 30='{type=string, value=How long does dental pain last after extraction?}', 31='{type=string, value=Generally, pain from tooth extractions can last about a week. Pain will begin to decrease after the third day of healing, and after a week, new tissue will start to form at the extraction site. The first two days of recovery are the ones that will require the most attention and care. Bleeding will stop once the blood clot forms, which occurs during the two days immediately after. Be sure to rinse your mouth with warm salt water, and eat soft and malleable foods to avoid irritating the recovery area. If a dry socket forms at the dental extraction site, this will slow the recovery time and cause undue pain at the site.}', 38='{type=image, value=Image{width=1000,height=720,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/stock/clipped/smiling-middle-aged-man.png',altText='',fileId=null}}', 41='{type=list, value=[{id=81751372382, name='42'}]}', 42='{type=string, value=We want you to keep your natural teeth as much as you do. However, there are times when a tooth is beyond restoration and needs to be extracted. From tooth decay and dental abscess to injuries to tooth removal, our team of specialists will make your experience as comfortable as possible.}', 43='{type=image, value=Image{width=1200,height=800,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/stock/wide/young-female-dental-patient.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 44='{type=image, value=Image{width=575,height=575,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/stock/square/elderly-female-at-dental-exam.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 45='{type=option, value={id=2, name='Specialty', order=1, label='Specialty'}}'}, {id=81751372350, createdAt=1660235434791, updatedAt=1684382526718, path='gum-treatments', name='Gum Treatments | Gum Disease & Periodontal Care in Newington, CT', 2='{type=string, value=Gum Treatments}', 3='{type=list, value=[{id=88540632160, name='FDPN'}]}', 5='{type=string, value=Looking for periodontal care? At Family Dental Practice of Newington we offer gum treatments and services to help remove plaque and bacteria from teeth and gums.}', 6='{type=string, value=Get Healthier Gums with Periodontal Care and Specialty Gum Treatments}', 7='{type=string, value=Did you know that 80% of American adults have gum (periodontal) disease? If you experience inflammation, bleeding gums, or discomfort, you may need to see a periodontist at Family Dental Practice of Newington periodontists in Newington, CT to improve your oral health.}', 8='{type=string, value=

Periodontal disease, or gum disease, starts from plaque build-up on the teeth that occurs daily. The harmful bacteria in plaque irritate the gums, causing gum infection, redness, swelling, and bleeding when brushing, flossing, or chewing. Early stages of gum disease, also known as gingivitis, may present as swollen or bleeding gums. If left untreated, this active bacterial infection can advance to periodontal disease that destroys the bone that supports your teeth, resulting in receding gums, bone loss,  and tooth loss.

Studies show that there is a strong connection between gum disease and an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, low birth weight, and premature birth. You can lower your risk of  these medical conditions by maintaining healthy gums and teeth with good oral hygiene and routine dental visits in order to identify the early signs of gum disease and treat it before it advances.

}', 9='{type=string, value=Our doctors, dental hygienists, and periodontists in Newington, CT work together to identify and treat gum disease early to help patients keep and maintain healthy teeth.}', 10='{type=string, value=

Before starting a gum treatment, you should identify which stage of gum disease you are in. Periodontal treatment methods depend upon the type and severity of the disease. Your dentist and dental hygienist at Family Dental Practice of Newington will evaluate for periodontal disease and recommend the appropriate gum disease treatment.

How To Prevent Gum Disease:

We’ll always keep an eye on the condition of your gums during your regular checkup. With a proper exam and x-rays, your dental care team will be able to identify the signs early and treat it before it turns into anything serious. Thankfully, the best ways to take care of your gums involve many of the things you are already doing: 

Before Treatment: 

Before starting any gum (periodontal) treatment, your dentist and dental hygienist at Family Dental Practice of Newington will evaluate you for periodontal disease and recommend the appropriate gum disease treatment. 

Some of the early signs of gum disease include red, swollen, or tender gums that bleed when you clean them. This means that the soft tissue is under attack by an infection, and the only way to address it is to treat the area directly.  Periodontal treatment methods depend upon the type and severity of the disease. Your dentist and dental hygienist at Family Dental Practice of Newington will evaluate you for periodontal disease and recommend the appropriate gum disease treatment(s).

}', 11='{type=string, value=

Periodontal therapy typically starts with a deep cleaning that targets the area above and below your gum line, where flossing, brushing, and a routine cleaning cannot reach. Our qualified dental hygienists and dentists will remove the plaque, calculus (tartar), and bacteria hiding below the gum line and on the surface of the teeth and roots. 

This is made up of two procedures done at the same time: scaling and root planing. For scaling, we’ll use specialized tools to break up plaque and tartar that have built up along and under your gum line. Then, we’ll smooth the rough surfaces of your roots with root planing, making it much less likely for the gum disease to advance.  

}', 12='{type=string, value=

Gum treatment can be lifesaving. By eliminating the bacteria, the swelling of your gums will decrease the likelihood of other serious conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancers will also be reduced. Most, if not all, bleeding will stop, and the gum tissue will reattach to the teeth, preventing further bone and tooth loss.

After your visit, you may experience some soreness. Taking an over-the-counter pain reliever and drinking plenty of fluids will reduce this discomfort.

}', 14='{type=string, value=Modern Dentistry }', 15='{type=string, value=You can find all the latest technology at our CT office.}', 16='{type=string, value=Judgment-Free Office }', 17='{type=string, value=We're here to help you feel confident in your smile. We provide a safe, judge-free zone for any dental issue or concern you have. }', 18='{type=string, value=On Your Schedule}', 19='{type=string, value=Taking care of your dental health should fit within your schedule. We are open late and on weekends so you can get the care you need.}', 20='{type=image, value=Image{width=45,height=45,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/icons/clinic.png',altText='',fileId=null}}', 21='{type=image, value=Image{width=48,height=48,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/icons/clock.png',altText='',fileId=null}}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=45,height=49,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/icons/tooth-white.png',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=string, value=Are you worried about the cost of a gum treatment visit? Don’t panic. We work with your insurance plan and offer flexible payment plans for your convenience. }', 24='{type=string, value=Don't have insurance? That's not a problem with us. We offer payment plans and accept most major credit cards, personal checks, and more.}', 25='{type=string, value=Visit us at our Newington, CT office today! See below for important information.}', 26='{type=string, value=What are non-surgical gum treatments? }', 27='{type=string, value=}', 28='{type=string, value=What is surgical periodontal therapy? }', 29='{type=string, value=

Typically, scaling and planing will treat gum disease. However, surgical treatment is needed when unhealthy tissue around the teeth cannot be restored without surgery.

}', 30='{type=string, value=What are the risk factors for periodontal disease?}', 31='{type=string, value=


}', 38='{type=image, value=Image{width=1000,height=720,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/stock/clipped/smiling-middle-aged-couple.png',altText='',fileId=null}}', 41='{type=list, value=[{id=81751372382, name='42'}]}', 42='{type=string, value=Gingivitis and gum disease are the leading causes of gum treatment. Our doctors and dental hygienists can work with you to get your gums healthy again.}', 43='{type=image, value=Image{width=1202,height=800,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/stock/wide/smiling-elderly-female-2.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 44='{type=image, value=Image{width=575,height=575,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/stock/square/smiling-elderly-woman-with-dentist.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 45='{type=option, value={id=2, name='Specialty', order=1, label='Specialty'}}'}, {id=81751372351, createdAt=1660235434797, updatedAt=1718600244342, path='implants', name='Dental Implants in Newington, CT | Specialty & Family Dental Practice', 2='{type=string, value=Implants}', 3='{type=list, value=[{id=88540632160, name='FDPN'}]}', 5='{type=string, value=Get a visually stunning smile with our dental implant dentist in Newington, CT. With the technical expertise and years of experience needed for long lasting results.}', 6='{type=string, value=Get Dental Implants for a More Confident Smile}', 7='{type=string, value=Dental implants are a good choice for replacing missing teeth and restoring a beautiful smile.}', 8='{type=string, value=

Dental implants are artificial roots (typically titanium) that are surgically placed into the upper or lower jawbone by a dentist, oral surgeon, or periodontist/gum specialist.  

The “teeth” or crowns attached to the implants are natural-looking and effectively enhance or restore your smile.  

Dental implants are an excellent solution to: 

}', 9='{type=string, value=What are Dental Implants? If you are considering dental implants and want to know if they are right for you, the team at LOCATION would be happy to walk you through the process and details of dental implants as a restorative dental procedure.}', 10='{type=string, value=

Our goal is to make your visits as comfortable as possible. We treat you like family and believe that your comfort is part of quality dental care.  
Before you get dental implants, make sure to get a good, thorough cleaning. The process of dental implant placement requires several visits over a few months. X-rays and impressions (molds), and 3D scans of the jaw and teeth are taken to determine bone, gum tissue, and spacing available for an implant. 

}', 11='{type=string, value=

During a dental implant treatment, the doctor will numb the area. While your mouth is numb, the implant will be surgically placed into the bone. A second surgery may be required to place the post or abutment that will hold the artificial tooth in place in the case of a crown or bridge restoration. 

After a few weeks of healing, the artificial teeth are fabricated and fitted to the post portion of the implant. After a healing period, the artificial teeth are securely attached to the implant, providing excellent stability and comfort. 

}', 12='{type=string, value=

You will receive care instructions when your treatment is completed. Good oral hygiene, eating habits, and regular visits to our CT dental clinics will aid in extending the life of your new implant.

}', 13='{type=string, value=

Your first visit will consist of working with your dentist to determine the appropriate dental implant treatment plan. You will have x-rays, impressions, and/or 3D scans done to find the proper placement for the implant. Be sure to ask your dentist about any questions or concerns you have during this visit.

}', 14='{type=string, value=Modern Dentistry }', 15='{type=string, value=You can find all the latest technology at our CT office.}', 16='{type=string, value=Judgment-Free Office }', 17='{type=string, value=We're here to help you feel confident in your smile. We provide a safe, judge-free zone for any dental issue or concern you have. }', 18='{type=string, value=On Your Schedule}', 19='{type=string, value=Taking care of your dental health should fit within your schedule. We are open late and on weekends so you can get the care you need.}', 20='{type=image, value=Image{width=45,height=45,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/icons/clinic.png',altText='',fileId=null}}', 21='{type=image, value=Image{width=48,height=48,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/icons/clock.png',altText='',fileId=null}}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=45,height=49,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/icons/tooth-white.png',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=string, value=Are you worried about the cost of a visit to get implants? Don’t panic. We work with your insurance plan and offer flexible payment plans for your convenience. }', 24='{type=string, value=Don't have insurance? That's not a problem with us. We offer payment plans and accept most major credit cards, personal checks, and more.}', 25='{type=string, value=Visit us at our Newington, CT office today! See below for important information.}', 26='{type=string, value=Can I get dental implants done in one visit? }', 27='{type=string, value=

No. Usually, implants take several visits to complete.

}', 28='{type=string, value=What technology is used for dental implant placement? }', 29='{type=string, value=

The dentist that performs the procedure should have the latest 3D digital technology, which will allow them to mark the nerves and other anatomical structures to plan the implant site. This technology shows the exact location, depth, and angle of the implant prior to placement. An implant guide is created from the data, which is used to guide the drill into the bone ensuring the proper angle, depth, and placement. The 3D technology is also used for proper planning of the restorative crowns, bridges and dentures that will be secured by your new implants. 

}', 38='{type=image, value=Image{width=1000,height=720,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/stock/clipped/smiling-elderly-female-2.png',altText='',fileId=null}}', 41='{type=list, value=[{id=81751372382, name='42'}]}', 42='{type=string, value=Dental implants are a great permanent way to restore missing teeth. Durable and long-lasting with a natural look and feel, dental implants can give you back your natural smile. We offer you the best implant solutions.}', 43='{type=image, value=Image{width=1200,height=800,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/stock/wide/young-man-at-dental-exam.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 44='{type=image, value=Image{width=575,height=575,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/stock/square/smiling-elderly-man.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 45='{type=option, value={id=2, name='Specialty', order=1, label='Specialty'}}'}, {id=88552477442, createdAt=1666099715166, updatedAt=1709310925926, path='oral-surgery', name='Oral Surgery in Newington, CT | Family Dental Practice', 2='{type=string, value=Oral Surgery}', 3='{type=list, value=[{id=88540632160, name='FDPN'}]}', 5='{type=string, value=At Family Dental Practice of Newington, we offer several oral surgery services in Hartford County, including tooth extractions and dental implant placement.}', 6='{type=string, value=Oral Surgery for Healthy and Strong Teeth}', 7='{type=string, value=From surgical wisdom teeth extractions to reconstructive cosmetic oral surgery, we are here to help you with all your dental needs.}', 8='{type=string, value=

Oral surgery is a type of dentistry that diagnoses and treats oral conditions of the teeth, gums, jaw, and mouth through surgery. Oral surgeons have a DMD, DDS, or even an MD. Regardless of their degree, oral surgeons must complete a surgical residency to perfect their skills. Oral surgery may be necessary because of:

Examples of oral surgery include wisdom teeth removal, infected tooth removal, or impacted tooth removal.  Oral surgery can prevent more serious issues from arising in the long run, especially for significant medical or dental problems like oral cancer or a major dental reconstruction. }', 9='{type=string, value=Our staff strives to offer you a comprehensive scope of dental services based on your dental health, medical history, and dental care needs. All surgical procedures are done with local anesthetic to perform the surgical treatment pain free. Other sedation for comfort will also be discussed by your Oral surgeon or General Dentist. These include: Nitrous oxide inhaled sedation, oral (pill form) sedation and IV sedation. }', 10='{type=string, value=Oral surgery is a common practice and is typically performed in-house on an outpatient basis. You may need oral surgery for common procedures such as wisdom tooth extractions, dental implants, impacted or multiple teeth removal, or reconstructive dental needs.}', 11='{type=string, value=During your appointment, x-rays are taken for a diagnosis, and a treatment plan is discussed. During this time, your dentist or oral surgeon will answer any questions you may have and outline a treatment plan that includes addressing the best anesthesia options for your specific circumstance. If it is determined that you need oral surgery, a surgery date is then set. }', 12='{type=string, value=Many procedures are performed with sedation, and patients can resume normal activities in just a few days. It's important to get plenty of rest in the days after your surgery. Your dentist will give you specific post-operative directions that are dependent on your oral surgery. }', 13='{type=string, value=The first visit for an oral surgery is usually a consultation with your dentist or oral surgeon. During this visit, the dental professional will review your oral health to make sure there are no other major problems that could interfere with your surgery. Any x-rays or impressions will also be taken during this appointment. The main purpose of this visit is to prep you as best as possible for your procedure. }', 14='{type=string, value=Modern Dentistry}', 15='{type=string, value=All the latest technology can be found at our office. }', 16='{type=string, value=Judgment-Free Office }', 17='{type=string, value=We’re here to help you feel confident in your smile. We provide a safe, judge-free zone for any dental issue or concern you have. }', 18='{type=string, value=On Your Schedule}', 19='{type=string, value=Taking care of your dental health should fit within your schedule. We are open late and on weekends so you can get the care you need.}', 20='{type=image, value=Image{width=45,height=45,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/icons/clinic.png',altText='',fileId=null}}', 21='{type=image, value=Image{width=48,height=48,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/icons/clock.png',altText='',fileId=null}}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=41,height=45,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/icons/tooth.png',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=string, value=Are you worried about the cost of an oral surgery? Don't panic. We offer over 200 dental insurance plans and flexible payment plans for your convenience. }', 24='{type=string, value=Don't have insurance? That's not a problem with us. We offer payment plans and accept most major credit cards, personal checks, and more.}', 25='{type=string, value=Schedule an appointment for your free consultation.}', 26='{type=string, value=What should you eat after oral surgery?}', 27='{type=string, value=For the first 2 days after oral surgery, you should only drink liquids and eat soft foods.

Hot liquids and foods should be avoided. On the third day, you should eat foods that are easy to chew. You should be able to return to a normal diet after 5 to 7 days.}', 28='{type=string, value=How long does swelling last after oral surgery?}', 29='{type=string, value=Some swelling is normal after oral surgery and can increase over the following 2 to 3 days. After that time, the swelling should decrease. A cold compress should be used to help with the swelling.}', 30='{type=string, value=How long does oral surgery take?}', 31='{type=string, value=There are several factors that determine how long oral surgery may take, including; the type of surgery, the complexity of the procedure, and the type of anesthesia.

Generally, a simple surgery may take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. More complex procedures may last from one to several hours.

Your dentist will be able to provide you with more details on the time of your oral surgery. Reach out to your local Gentle Dental for a free consultation.}', 38='{type=image, value=Image{width=1000,height=720,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/stock/clipped/young-man-at-dental-exam.png',altText='',fileId=null}}', 41='{type=list, value=[{id=81751372382, name='42'}]}', 42='{type=string, value=Oral surgery helps with more serious dental conditions that cannot be fixed at a regular appointment.}', 43='{type=image, value=Image{width=1200,height=800,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/stock/wide/dentist-showing-little-girl-her-smile.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 44='{type=image, value=Image{width=575,height=575,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/stock/square/dentist-examinging-teeth.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 45='{type=option, value={id=2, name='Specialty', order=1, label='Specialty'}}'}, {id=81751372356, createdAt=1660235434826, updatedAt=1686933823481, path='pediatric-dentistry', name='Pediatric Dentistry Services in Newington, CT | Family Dental', 2='{type=string, value=Pediatric Dentistry}', 3='{type=list, value=[{id=88540632160, name='FDPN'}]}', 5='{type=string, value=Our Newington, CT dentists are all Board Certified Pediatric Dentists specializing in the dental needs of children, adolescents and young adults serving Hartford County.}', 6='{type=string, value=Comfortable Pediatric Dentistry Services for Children of All Ages}', 7='{type=string, value=We provide dental care for all children, including those who need a little extra time and attention, in a professional, comfortable atmosphere.}', 8='{type=string, value=

Regular dental care ensures that your child’s smile stays healthy through the years. Establishing a dental home for your child allows you to teach preventive dental health habits that protect your child from a dental/oral disease. Here are some important things to know about pediatric dentistry:

}', 9='{type=string, value=Our pediatric dental team will treat your children as they grow.}', 10='{type=string, value=

Our goal is to provide a positive experience through comprehensive dental care for infants, children, and adolescents in a friendly and safe environment, focusing on prevention and education. We will always do our best to make sure that your child is comfortable in a dental setting, working to ensure that the common fear of the dentist isn't something you'll have to worry about. Talking with your child about going to the dentist is always a great idea before their first dental treatment.

}', 11='{type=string, value=

With the latest equipment and materials, including digital x-rays, which minimize radiation exposure, to our warm, welcoming environment, our pediatric dental services ensure that your child has the best dental and oral care experience possible. Some of our pediatric dentistry services include:

}', 12='{type=string, value=After dental treatment, it is normal for your child to feel anxious or experience minor pain or discomfort. Feeding them soft foods, encouraging them to drink plenty of liquids and get adequate rest is crucial to ensuring that they feel better – even if they just went in for a cleaning.}', 13='{type=string, value=

During the first visit and every dental visit, your child is treated with kindness and patience. We build a personal relationship with your child to lay a foundation for good oral hygiene habits. We believe that trust and a positive attitude towards dental health begin on the first visit while we learn about your child’s needs and previous dental experience. Our dental team understands that every child is different, and we tailor our approach accordingly.

}', 14='{type=string, value=Modern Dentistry }', 15='{type=string, value=You can find all the latest technology at our CT office.}', 16='{type=string, value=Judgment-Free Office }', 17='{type=string, value=We're here to help you feel confident in your smile. We provide a safe, judge-free zone for any dental issue or concern you have. }', 18='{type=string, value=On Your Schedule}', 19='{type=string, value=Taking care of your dental health should fit within your schedule. We are open late and on weekends so you can get the care you need.}', 20='{type=image, value=Image{width=45,height=45,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/icons/clinic.png',altText='',fileId=null}}', 21='{type=image, value=Image{width=48,height=48,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/icons/clock.png',altText='',fileId=null}}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=45,height=49,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/icons/tooth-white.png',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=string, value=Are you worried about the cost of a pediatric dental visit? Don’t panic. We work with your insurance plan and offer flexible payment plans for your convenience. }', 24='{type=string, value=Don't have insurance? That's not a problem with us. We offer payment plans and accept most major credit cards, personal checks, and more.}', 25='{type=string, value=Visit us at our Newington, CT office today! See below for important information.}', 26='{type=string, value=What is a fluoride treatment, and does my child need one?}', 27='{type=string, value=

Treatment with fluoride is an effective way to strengthen your tooth's enamel. It takes a few minutes to apply a fluoridated varnish or gel that has a higher concentration of fluoride than over-the-counter products. Your hygienist can apply the product with a soft brush. After application, you should not brush or floss for 4 to 6 hours afterward, and not eat for a few hours. Drinking can resume immediately. The American Dental Association recommends fluoride treatments for adults as well as children. Speak to your dentist about how fluoride can help you achieve optimal dental health. Fluoride varnish is applied with a soft brush and you will not be able to eat or drink for a few hours afterward. A fluoride gel takes 4 minutes to be applied, and you should avoid eating and drinking for 30 minutes after treatment.

Fluoride varnish is applied with a soft brush and you will not be able to to eat or drink for a few hours afterward. A fluoride gel takes 4 minutes to be applied, and you should avoid eating and drinking for 30 minutes after treatment. 

}', 28='{type=string, value=When Should My Child Have Their First Dental Appointment?}', 29='{type=string, value=

The timing for baby teeth differs for each individual but all 20 baby teeth are usually in by 3 years of age. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recommends that a child goes to the dentist by age 1 or within six months after the first tooth erupts. Primary teeth typically begin growing at around six months of age. Baby teeth are just as susceptible to cavities as adult teeth. If a baby tooth is lost early, the permanent teeth can drift into the empty space and make it difficult for other adult teeth to find room. Proper oral hygiene is essential as soon as your baby is born and it is critical to establish good oral health habits early.

}', 30='{type=string, value=When should my child have dental x-rays taken?}', 31='{type=string, value=The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and the American Dental Association has guidelines to determine when and how often children should have x-rays. The dentist will use his or her clinical judgment, using these guidelines, after a thorough review of your child's health history and a clinical exam. Your child's first dental appointment can be by age 1 or 6 months from the first tooth eruption.}', 38='{type=image, value=Image{width=1000,height=720,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/stock/clipped/two-smiling-children.png',altText='',fileId=null}}', 41='{type=list, value=[{id=81751372382, name='42'}]}', 42='{type=string, value=Our specially trained pediatric dentists can meet the unique oral health needs of your infants, children, and adolescents, including persons with special health care needs.}', 43='{type=image, value=Image{width=1069,height=800,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/stock/wide/smiling-girl-with-arms-folded.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 44='{type=image, value=Image{width=575,height=575,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/stock/square/dentist-showing-little-girl-her-smile.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 45='{type=option, value={id=2, name='Specialty', order=1, label='Specialty'}}'}, {id=88552477443, createdAt=1666099716458, updatedAt=1683835939371, path='root-canals', name='Root Canal Dentist in Newington, CT | Family Dental Practice', 2='{type=string, value=Root Canals}', 3='{type=list, value=[{id=88540632160, name='FDPN'}]}', 5='{type=string, value=Our Newington, CT dentists perform non-surgical root canals as a simple treatrment to save your natural tooth. Click here to learn more about root canals.}', 6='{type=string, value=Stopping Tooth Pain With Root Canals in Connecticut}', 7='{type=string, value=Root canal treatment is a highly effective procedure with a good prognosis for success.}', 8='{type=string, value=

Getting root canal treatment rather than an extraction has many advantages. It can reduce and eliminate pain to eat and drink properly. It also reduces the risks of further tooth damage, leading to more complex and expensive treatments, like dental implants, to replace missing teeth.

After a root canal process, if you maintain proper oral hygiene, your root canal can last for many years.

Other advantages of getting a root canal:

}', 9='{type=string, value=A root canal treatment is done to save a tooth that is infected and causing pain and would otherwise need to be extracted. An extraction is more costly and may cause complications with adjacent teeth.}', 10='{type=string, value=

A root canal may be needed when you face problems, including decay that has reached the living tissue inside the tooth (tooth pulp), infection, dental abscess inside the tooth or the root tip, or injury to the tooth.

Symptoms that can indicate you may need a root canal procedure include:

Before your root canal, let your dentist know about any symptoms you are experiencing.

}', 11='{type=string, value=

A root canal procedure typically requires one to three appointments and is performed by a dentist or an endodontist (a root canal specialist).

}', 12='{type=string, value=

After a root canal, the tooth should have a dental crown (cap) set to help protect the tooth and prevent it from cracking or breaking.

After treatment, your tooth may still be sensitive, but this will typically subside as the inflammation reduces and the tooth heals. Your dentist will provide you with care instructions after each dental checkup. Remember that good oral hygiene and regular dental visits will help maintain your teeth.

}', 13='{type=string, value=Usually, a root canal can be resolved within one visit. Your root canal dentist will prepare you for this visit with a consultation, which will take place before the actual procedure.}', 14='{type=string, value=Modern Dentistry}', 15='{type=string, value=You can find all the latest technology at our CT office.}', 16='{type=string, value=Judgment-Free Office }', 17='{type=string, value=We’re here to help you feel confident in your smile. We provide a safe, judge-free zone for any dental issue or concern you have. }', 18='{type=string, value=On Your Schedule}', 19='{type=string, value=Taking care of your dental health should fit within your schedule. We are open late and on weekends so you can get the care you need.}', 20='{type=image, value=Image{width=45,height=45,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/icons/clinic.png',altText='',fileId=null}}', 21='{type=image, value=Image{width=48,height=48,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/icons/clock.png',altText='',fileId=null}}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=41,height=45,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/icons/tooth.png',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=string, value=Are you worried about the cost of a sleep dentistry visit? Don’t panic. We work with your insurance plan and offer flexible payment plans for your convenience. }', 24='{type=string, value=Don't have insurance? That's not a problem with us. We offer payment plans and accept most major credit cards, personal checks, and more.}', 25='{type=string, value=Visit us at our Newington, CT office today! See below for important information.}', 26='{type=string, value=How do you know if you need a root canal?}', 27='{type=string, value=You may experience severe pain, sensitivity to hot and cold, or swelling. However, sometimes no symptoms will be present. It's important to contact your dentist if you suspect your tooth has decayed significantly.}', 28='{type=string, value=What happens when you avoid root canal treatment? }', 29='{type=string, value=If you need a root canal, you should not avoid dental care. It is best to treat the infected tooth promptly for the best outcome. If left untreated, the infection can spread further and cause tooth loss.}', 38='{type=image, value=Image{width=1000,height=720,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/stock/clipped/older-woman-beautiful-smile.png',altText='',fileId=null}}', 41='{type=list, value=[{id=81751372382, name='42'}]}', 42='{type=string, value=Always thought to be a painful procedure, modern dentistry makes it relatively pain-free. We can fix your infected tooth quickly and easily.}', 43='{type=image, value=Image{width=1199,height=800,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/stock/wide/smiling-young-woman-at-exam.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 44='{type=image, value=Image{width=575,height=575,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/stock/square/smiling-young-woman-at-exam.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 45='{type=option, value={id=2, name='Specialty', order=1, label='Specialty'}}'}, {id=81849788471, createdAt=1660328286340, updatedAt=1684382850962, path='sedation-dentistry', name='Sedation Dentistry Services in Newington, CT | Family Dental', 2='{type=string, value=Sedation Dentistry}', 3='{type=list, value=[{id=88540632160, name='FDPN'}]}', 5='{type=string, value=Do you experience dental fear? Relax and enjoy your visits to our Newington dental office with our nitrous oxide and oral conscious sedation dentistry services.}', 6='{type=string, value=Sedation Dentistry to Calm Your Nerves}', 7='{type=string, value=Our dentists can help calm your nerves and reduce your anxiety during a visit to our dentists in Newington, CT by using sedation dentistry.}', 8='{type=string, value=

Sedation dentistry is used to help patients relax and to minimize their anxiety during various dental treatments. We understand the potential fear of dental procedures and the anxiety of visiting a dentist. We do not want you to fear, avoid or eliminate dental care. We want you to be comfortable and receive the oral care and support that you need to keep your mouth healthy. Ask us about dental sedation today and see if it is the right choice for you. Schedule an appointment for a consultation. There are many reasons why people might use sedation dentistry, including:

}', 9='{type=string, value=Sedation dentistry is used to help patients relax and minimize their anxiety while going through various dental treatments and procedures. Sedation dentistry is the use of oral medications or conscious sedation (IV medications). }', 10='{type=string, value=

Before you start a dental treatment, you and your dentist will decide whether or not you want to use sedation dentistry and what type of sedation dentistry is best for you. There are two types of dental sedation: conscious sedation, and oral sedation. 

}', 11='{type=string, value=

There are two types of dental sedation:

With both types of dental sedation, you will still receive an anesthetic for your procedure once the sedation has started to work.

}', 12='{type=string, value=

After having a dental procedure done with sedation, you will likely feel very drowsy. Driving after using the medium sedation dentistry option is not advised, so you will need a familiar person to transport you home.If you choose to use the form of mild sedation with nitrous oxide, you will not experience drowsiness afterward, so you will typically be able to drive yourself after your procedure.

}', 13='{type=string, value=

If you haven't used sedation while having dental procedures  before, you may be nervous. However, the goal of our team is to help relieve your anxiety during a dental procedure. Your dentist and the other dental staff will guide you through each step of the dental sedation process. They will answer all your questions to relieve your anxiety and enable you to receive the care you need.

}', 14='{type=string, value=Modern Dentistry}', 15='{type=string, value=You can find all the latest technology at our CT office.}', 16='{type=string, value=Judgment-Free Office }', 17='{type=string, value=We're here to help you feel confident in your smile. We provide a safe, judge-free zone for any dental issue or concern you have. }', 18='{type=string, value=On Your Schedule}', 19='{type=string, value=Taking care of your dental health should fit within your schedule. We are open late and on weekends so you can get the care you need.}', 20='{type=image, value=Image{width=45,height=45,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/icons/clinic.png',altText='',fileId=null}}', 21='{type=image, value=Image{width=48,height=48,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/icons/clock.png',altText='',fileId=null}}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=41,height=45,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/icons/tooth.png',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=string, value=Are you worried about the cost of a sleep dentistry visit? Don’t panic. We work with your insurance plan and offer flexible payment plans for your convenience. }', 24='{type=string, value=Don't have insurance? That's not a problem with us. We offer payment plans and accept most major credit cards, personal checks, and more.}', 25='{type=string, value=Visit us at our Newington, CT office today! See below for important information.}', 26='{type=string, value=How Long Does Dental Sedation Last?}', 27='{type=string, value=

You will be sedated for the duration of your dental procedure, which depends on the type of treatment you have done. However, if you take an oral sedative, the effects may last longer than the actual treatment.

}', 28='{type=string, value=Will I remember my dental procedure during sedation dentistry?}', 29='{type=string, value=

Sometimes patients remember their procedure, but these memories are often fuzzy and unclear.

}', 30='{type=string, value=What are some common side effects of dental sedation?}', 31='{type=string, value=

You may feel nauseous, groggy, or have a dry mouth.

}', 38='{type=image, value=Image{width=1000,height=720,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/stock/clipped/girl-in-dental-chair.png',altText='',fileId=null}}', 41='{type=list, value=[{id=81751372382, name='42'}]}', 42='{type=string, value=Sedation dentistry is an excellent option for those with anxiety or fear of dental procedures. From tooth extractions to cosmetic dentistry and other dental problems, we offer our patients this safe, comfortable, and effective dental solution.}', 43='{type=image, value=Image{width=1202,height=800,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/stock/wide/young-man-smiling-at-exam.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 44='{type=image, value=Image{width=575,height=575,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/stock/square/man-with-dentist.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 45='{type=option, value={id=2, name='Specialty', order=1, label='Specialty'}}'}] COSE: [{id=81751372344, createdAt=1660235303665, updatedAt=1718593428522, path='invisalign', name='Invisalign - Clear Braces in Newington, CT | Family Dental Practice', 2='{type=string, value=Invisalign}', 3='{type=list, value=[{id=88540632160, name='FDPN'}]}', 5='{type=string, value=Our Family Dental Practice of Newington, orthodontist provides Invisalign treatment and services in Hartford County. Learn more here and schedule your appointment.}', 6='{type=string, value=Achieve Straighter Teeth With Invisalign Treatment in Connecticut}', 7='{type=string, value=You may be a candidate for Invisalign if you are not satisfied with your smile because of crowded or crooked teeth.}', 8='{type=string, value=

Invisalign® dentistry offers patients many benefits, including:

Invisalign® trays are easy to remove and clean and do not involve wires, which lowers your risk of teeth and gum irritation. There are fewer restrictions on the food and beverages you can consume while using Invisalign compared to traditional braces as well as short treatment options. Over time, as you progress through the trays, your teeth become straighter. 

}', 9='{type=string, value=Invisalign offers an alternative to traditional metal braces. The transparent trays straighten your teeth using clear plastic trays or aligners molded to fit your teeth. As the trays put pressure on areas of your teeth, that pressure produces changes to the supporting bone and structures and allows teeth to move.}', 10='{type=string, value=

To prepare for Invisalign treatment, make sure you are up-to-date on your dental cleanings. Our Invisalign dental team will review treatment progress and provide any special instructions to either the patient or a parent/guardian during each visit.

}', 11='{type=string, value=

At the Family Dental Practice of Newington, we use the latest technology, including 3M™ Unitek™ products, CEREC Ortho, iTero digital scanning, and 3D imaging, to give you the best and brightest smile possible. Your treatment length will be determined by your dentist and orthodontist, who will work together to determine a treatment plan based on your unique, individual needs. Invisalign treatment can take as little as 10 weeks or can require a more extended period of time. Our orthodontist will answer all your questions and personally communicate your treatment progress.

}', 12='{type=string, value=

After your first visit, you will be reevaluated every 2-4 weeks for a new set of Invisalign trays. This helps to ensure that they fit correctly. If you have any problems in between your visits, be sure to contact us.

}', 13='{type=string, value=

Your first visit will consist of an initial scan and exam so that the orthodontist can get a better idea of your dental needs. After an initial scan, you will be given two sets of aligners to last you for four weeks. By the end of your visit, you will be on your way to getting a whole new smile.

}', 14='{type=string, value=Modern Dentistry }', 15='{type=string, value=You can find all the latest technology at our CT office.}', 16='{type=string, value=Judgment-Free Office }', 17='{type=string, value=We're here to help you feel confident in your smile. We provide a safe, judge-free zone for any dental issue or concern you have. }', 18='{type=string, value=On Your Schedule}', 19='{type=string, value=Taking care of your dental health should fit within your schedule. We are open late and on weekends so you can get the care you need.}', 20='{type=image, value=Image{width=45,height=45,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/icons/clinic.png',altText='',fileId=null}}', 21='{type=image, value=Image{width=48,height=48,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/icons/clock.png',altText='',fileId=null}}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=45,height=49,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/icons/tooth-white.png',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=string, value=Are you worried about the cost of an Invisalign visit? Don’t panic. We work with your insurance plan and offer flexible payment plans for your convenience. }', 24='{type=string, value=
Don't have insurance? That's not a problem with us. We offer payment plans and accept most major credit cards, personal checks, and more.
}', 25='{type=string, value=Visit us at our CT office today! See below for important information.}', 26='{type=string, value=Can Invisalign® aligners close gaps?}', 27='{type=string, value=Yes, Invisalign® aligners can fix gaps in your teeth. Depending on the size and location of the gap, your Invisalign treatment may vary.}', 28='{type=string, value=Can you use Invisalign® if you have a crown?}', 29='{type=string, value=Yes, patients with crowns are candidates for Invisalign® clear aligners. Treatment plans vary, so contact Dynamic Dental to schedule a free consultation.}', 30='{type=string, value=Does Invisalign® treatment work faster than braces?}', 31='{type=string, value=

Every Invisalign® treatment plan is different. Reach out to our office for a free consultation. Our dentists and orthodontists will guide you on your treatment plan.

}', 32='{type=string, value=Can you drink coffee with Invisalign® clear aligners?}', 33='{type=string, value=

With Invisalign® treatment, you can keep eating and drinking your favorite foods. Invisalign clear aligners are removable so you can eat and drink and then brush your teeth before putting the aligners back in.

}', 38='{type=image, value=Image{width=1000,height=720,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/stock/clipped/smiling-young-woman.png',altText='',fileId=null}}', 41='{type=list, value=[{id=81751372382, name='42'}]}', 42='{type=string, value=The Invisalign clear trays are worn throughout the day and night to straighten teeth gradually.}', 43='{type=image, value=Image{width=1200,height=800,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/stock/wide/smiling-girl-with-invisalign.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 44='{type=image, value=Image{width=575,height=575,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/stock/square/smiling-woman-with-invisalign.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 45='{type=option, value={id=3, name='Cosmetic', order=2, label='Cosmetic'}}'}, {id=81751372345, createdAt=1660235303672, updatedAt=1718595465702, path='teeth-whitening', name='Teeth Whitening Services in Newington, CT | Family Dental Practice', 2='{type=string, value=Teeth Whitening}', 3='{type=list, value=[{id=88540632160, name='FDPN'}]}', 5='{type=string, value=Or professional teeth whitening treatments in Newington, CT is one of the most affordable and quickest ways to improve the appearance of your smile. Learn more here!}', 6='{type=string, value=Get a Whiter, Brighter Smile at the Family Dental Practice of Newington}', 7='{type=string, value=If you want noticeably whiter teeth or to remove deeper stains, we offer teeth whitening services.}', 8='{type=string, value=

Teeth whitening treatment can remove or minimize stains from soda, coffee, dark beverages, smoking, and aging. It may not reverse staining from antibiotic use, but each case is different. All of our dentists can provide you with the best treatment option.

}', 9='{type=string, value=Teeth whitening procedures are a cosmetic procedure as yellowed or stained teeth are not considered oral health issues. Visits to our dentists are quick and painless.}', 10='{type=string, value=

Before treatment, our dentist will make sure that you are a good candidate for teeth whitening. If you have any of the issues listed below, you may not be a good candidate for this procedure. Ask our dentists to learn more.

Brush your teeth gently the night before the treatment and avoid any dark, potentially staining liquids.

}', 11='{type=string, value=

There are two options for getting a teeth whitening treatment: in-office, and at-home.

Teeth whitening treatment done at our Newington, CT dental office involves first applying a gel that is painted onto the teeth. Then, a light is used to activate the gel. The procedure takes about 90 minutes, and you can expect your teeth to be up to 7 shades whiter.

For the at-home teeth whitening solution, a dental professional will create a custom whitening tray that you can wear for one hour a day for about 3-4 weeks with follow up visits to evaluate progress. These trays may also be used for touch-up maintenance whitening every 6-12 months or as indicated by your dental professional.

}', 12='{type=string, value=

With both the professional at-home teeth whitening and the in-office treatment, you should see a significant difference in the shade of your teeth following treatment. These results are not permanent, and food, drink, smoking, and age determine how long the treatment will last before the teeth become stained or yellowed.

Prolong Teeth Whitening Treatment By: 

}', 13='{type=string, value=If you decide to improve your smile with our in-office teeth whitening services, you can expect to see visibly whiter teeth in a single, 90 minute treatment. For more dramatic results, several teeth whitening appointments may be required.}', 14='{type=string, value=Modern Dentistry }', 15='{type=string, value=You can find all the latest technology at our CT office.}', 16='{type=string, value=Judgment-Free Office }', 17='{type=string, value=We're here to help you feel confident in your smile. We provide a safe, judge-free zone for any dental issue or concern you have. }', 18='{type=string, value=On Your Schedule}', 19='{type=string, value=Taking care of your dental health should fit within your schedule. We have flexible hours so you can get the care you need. }', 20='{type=image, value=Image{width=45,height=45,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/icons/clinic.png',altText='',fileId=null}}', 21='{type=image, value=Image{width=48,height=48,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/icons/clock.png',altText='',fileId=null}}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=45,height=49,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/icons/tooth-white.png',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=string, value=Are you worried about the cost of a teeth whitening visit? Don’t panic. We work with your insurance plan and offer flexible payment plans for your convenience. }', 24='{type=string, value=
Don't have insurance? That's not a problem with us. We offer payment plans and accept most major credit cards, personal checks, and more.
}', 25='{type=string, value=Visit us at our Newington, CT office today! See below for important information.}', 26='{type=string, value=How long does teeth whitening take?}', 27='{type=string, value=

Depending on the type of teeth whitening treatment selected, it can take a few hours to several weeks to whiten teeth. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Your dentist will recommend the best type of teeth whitening for your specific needs.

}', 28='{type=string, value=How long does professional teeth whitening last?}', 29='{type=string, value=

With upkeep, teeth whitening lasts for months. However, drinking coffee, tea, or soda, smoking, and not brushing regularly will cause teeth to stain and return to their original shade quicker. Touch-up whitening products can be used for maintenance.  

}', 30='{type=string, value=Does teeth whitening damage your enamel?}', 31='{type=string, value=Teeth whitening is a safe and effective treatment that has been used for decades. Your dentist can review any individual risks and answer specific questions you may have.}', 32='{type=string, value=Does teeth whitening treatment hurt?}', 33='{type=string, value=

Tooth sensitivity is different for every patient. Teeth whitening is available in different strengths, so it’s best to speak with your dentist about your level of sensitivity and the results you're trying to achieve. Teeth whitening has come a long way, and there are now products that can be used prior to the whitening process to reduce sensitivity. Few patients have discomfort.

}', 38='{type=image, value=Image{width=1000,height=720,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/stock/clipped/smiling-female-at-home.png',altText='',fileId=null}}', 41='{type=list, value=[{id=81751372382, name='42'}]}', 42='{type=string, value=Get brighter, whiter teeth with our different options to enhance your smile. Teeth whitening treatments range in price and treatment time.}', 43='{type=image, value=Image{width=1200,height=800,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/stock/wide/smiling-female-at-home.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 44='{type=image, value=Image{width=575,height=575,url='https://20864560.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20864560/stock/square/happy-female-patient-looking-in-mirror.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 45='{type=option, value={id=3, name='Cosmetic', order=2, label='Cosmetic'}}'}] Family Dental Practice of Newington - Blog | Luxury


We believe that the best dental care takes two, — our wonderfully warm and experienced dentists and your utmost trust.
