Can I Get Braces on Just My Top or Bottom Teeth?

Many patients like the idea of getting traditional braces in Newington on just their top or bottom teeth. After all, they reason that doing so could save them money while also improving the appearance of their smile. But single-arch orthodontic treatment is not right for everyone. This blog post discusses why most patients experience better results when they get full-mouth treatment.
Motivations for Single-Arch Treatment
The patients who want single-arch orthodontic treatment tend to be those whose dental misalignment causes aesthetic issues. For example, since the top teeth are the most visible when you smile, you might want top-only treatment. Other patients have crowding or crookedness on the bottom arch and believe that their top row of teeth is perfectly fine where it is.
Single-arch treatment is possible in some cases. However, most of the time, double-arch treatment is the best solution, even if it seems like one row of teeth is already well-positioned.
When Is Double-Arch Treatment Necessary?
Double-arch treatment is usually necessary because, in most cases, moving one row of teeth and not the other could lead to or worsen bite problems. For example, fixing crowding on the top teeth will cause the teeth to move forward. If the bottom teeth do not move as well, any existing overbite is likely to become worse. Similarly, moving the top teeth backward in order to fix a spacing issue could cause or worsen an underbite.
A misaligned bite can lead to significant problems. For example, it may make it more difficult for you to chew food. It could also contribute to TMJ pain. Facial aesthetics are also affected by bite alignment.
Of course, the fact that double-arch treatment is usually the best solution does not mean that the top and bottom braces are always placed at the same time. Depending on the respective degrees of dental misalignment, and because the top teeth usually move slower than the bottom ones, top braces may be placed a few months before the bottom ones in some cases.
Benefits of Full-Mouth Braces
Placing braces on both your top and bottom teeth allows your dentist or orthodontist to create and follow a precise treatment plan that has the potential to benefit you in a couple of notable ways:
- The best aesthetic and oral health results usually come from treating both the upper and lower teeth.
- Treating both dental arches at once is the most efficient and streamlined way to correct misalignment. It is also more cost-effective than treating one arch and then going back to treat the other arch later on.
Whether your care provider recommends single- or double-arch orthodontic treatment, you can trust their expertise as you look forward to a healthier, straighter smile.
Meet the Practice
Family Dental Practice of Newington is home to a large team of general dentists and specialists, including an on-staff orthodontist. If you are interested in getting braces or exploring other teeth-straightening options, such as clear aligners, our office would be pleased to serve you. Contact us at 860-856-6201 to learn more about our services.