Do Root Canals Cause Cancer?

In most cases, patients with a significantly damaged or infected tooth are urged to undergo root canal therapy. However, some individuals opt for an extraction instead. They may do so out of monetary concerns, but in many cases, they are influenced by the popular idea that root canal therapy can lead to cancer. Is there any truth to that notion? Do root canals cause cancer in Newington? This blog post discusses why the answer is a definitive no.
Why Do Some People Think that Root Canal Therapy Causes Cancer?
Around 100 years ago, a dentist named Weston Price conducted some personal research and came to the conclusion that root canal therapy is a major contributor to cancer and other serious illnesses. He believed that the treatment leaves toxins in the body. Those toxins, in turn, lead to arthritis, heart disease, cancer, and other grievous diseases.
The cultural impact of Price’s research has survived into our modern age. Many people — shockingly, even a number of dentists — choose to believe that root canal therapy does more harm than good. However, it must be noted that Price’s research was deeply flawed.
Do Not Believe the Myth
Here are three major reasons why you should not buy into the myth that root canal therapy can cause cancer:
- No modern studies have duplicated the results of Price’s research.
- The conditions in Price’s experiments were not properly controlled.
- His tests were performed in non-sterile environments.
There is no empirical scientific research whatsoever to indicate that root canal therapy has any influence on a person’s risk of developing cancer. If you had root canal therapy in the past, there is no reason to ask your dentist to remove the treated tooth. Similarly, if your dentist recommends this procedure for you in the near future, there is no need to request an extraction instead.
Risks and Benefits of Root Canal Therapy
Root canal therapy offers a number of outstanding benefits. For example, it can preserve a damaged tooth, which can prevent the numerous oral health issues that accompany an incomplete smile. It can also help you save money by sparing you from having to pay for tooth replacement.
The risks associated with the procedure are minimal. There is a small chance of a post-treatment infection, and a handful of patients must undergo endodontic retreatment if their initial procedure is not successful. If you are worried about the downsides of root canal therapy, be sure to ask your dentist. They will be pleased to answer your questions.
There are many things that can contribute to the development of cancer — but root canal treatment is not one of them. You can undergo this procedure confident that it is generally quite safe and beneficial.
Meet the Practice
The team of general dentists and specialists at Family Dental Practice of Newington are proud to provide root canal therapy and many other services in a comfortable, welcoming environment. If you have questions about any of the treatments we offer, we are ready and eager to speak with you. Contact us at 860-856-6201.