A Simple Guide to Eating after Wisdom Tooth Extractions

Wisdom teeth can often lead to adverse consequences for a person’s oral health. If you will soon get your third molars removed, you can be confident that the procedure will ultimately benefit you. However, you will have to go through a bit of a recovery period. During that time, you should stick to a modified diet. This simple guide to eating after wisdom tooth extractions provides some useful advice on how to nourish yourself following your procedure.
Stick to Liquids for the First 24 Hours
Your mouth is likely to be pretty sore during the first 24 hours after your appointment. Chewing anything might make your discomfort worse, so it would be wise to stick to a liquid diet for 24 hours or so. Water, juice, broth, blended soups, and protein drinks are all suitable options.
Keep in mind that you should not use a straw to drink. The suction action might dislodge the blood clot at your surgical sites, leading to a painful complication known as dry socket.
Eat Soft Foods after the First 24 Hours
After the first 24 hours, you can try some soft foods. Easy-to-chew items can satisfy your hunger, provide valuable nutrition, and help you work your way back toward using your mouth normally. Here are some tasty foods that you might incorporate into your post-surgery diet:
- Mashed potatoes
- Scrambled eggs
- Applesauce
- Avocado
- Smoothies
- Mashed bananas
- Ice cream (If you are worried about ice cream’s sugar content, you could try making banana ice cream instead.)
Most people are able to resume a fairly normal diet within a week or so of their surgery. Be sure to listen to your body and heed any instructions provided by your dental team.
What Foods Should You Avoid?
Obviously, anything crunchy, hard, or chewy should be avoided during your recovery period. Here are some additional items that you should steer clear of:
- Spicy items. These can irritate sensitive oral tissues and worsen your post-op discomfort.
- Small, sharp foods. For example, popcorn hulls could easily get stuck in your gums. You should also avoid smoothies with seeds in them and ice cream with hard add-ins.
- Alcohol. Alcohol can slow down your ability to heal. It also has the potential to interact with your pain medication. Try to avoid it for at least 7 – 10 days following your appointment.
Wisdom tooth extractions will require you to temporarily change your eating habits. Soon, though, you will be able to go back to enjoying all of your favorite foods.
Meet the Practice
The general dentists and specialists at Family Dental Practice of Newington are proud to offer wisdom tooth surgery and many other services to our patients. If you have questions about what to expect with any particular procedure, we would be pleased to speak with you. Contact our friendly team at 860-856-6201.